MGK Kemayoran LT.GF Blok C.1 No.5

Jual Water Meter Amico 4 Inch DN100

Katalog : Water Meter amico PDF.

Spesifikasi :

* Max. Flow Q4 : 125 m3/h

* Nominal Flow Q3 : 100 m3/h

* Transitional Flow Q2 : ( 20 m3/h For Class 20 ), ( 2 m3/h For Class 50 )

* Min. Flow Q1 : ( 5 m3/h For Class 20 ), ( 2 m3/h For Class 50 )

* Min. Reading : 0.01 m3

* Max. Reading : 999999.99 m3


Water Meter Amico 4 Inch LXLC-100, Water Meter Amico DN100 LXLC-100, Flow Meter Amico 4 Inch

Characteristic :

Dry type magnetic drive
Vacuum sealed counter, frost proven, keeping clear reading for long term
Removable structure, easy installation and maintenance
mechanic system for normal use
Bog flow capable, low head loss
Remote transmission device can be added upon request
All technical date accord with GB/T778.1-3-2007

Working condition :
Water temperature 0°C ≤1 ≤30°C (for cold water meter)
0°C ≤1 ≤90°C (for hot water meter)
Water Pressure : ≤1 MPa

Maximum Permissible Error :
From the minimum flow rate Q1 (Including Q1)
to the lower of the transitional Q2 (Excluding Q2) ±5%;
to the higher zone of the maximum flow rate (including Q4) : ±2%

Water Meter Amico, Flow Meter Amico, Meteran Air Amico

Mengukur volume air minum yang melewati pipa. Tersedia untuk ukuran kecil yang banyak digunakan untuk meteran air rumahan dan tempat niaga seperti restoran.

Cairan air yang dapat digunakan hanya cairan air bersih (air minum) ataupun air limbah yang sudah bersih dari pertikel-partikel seperti daun, plastik, pasir, dll.

Produk lain : https://distributorflowmeters.com/


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