Ligno-Scanner SD Moisture Meter
The Ligno-Scanner SD is a dual depth pinless moisture meter that is convenient to use. The operation is simple with clearly marked buttons. In addition, the large display shows moisture percentage, wood setting and measuring depth.
Above all Lignomat’s measuring technology assures calibration accuracy. Every time the pinless moisture meter turns on, calibration is internally checked.
The dual depth pinless moisture meter has a built-in correction for different wood species. Corrections can be programmed, just enter the specific gravity of the wood between 0.3 and 1.0. Resolution is 0.1% for entire measuring range. HOLD function is available for all pinless moisture meters from Lignomat.
Why buy a Scanner from Lignomat: Durable, easy to use, clear display and internal calibration, in addition to a 2-year warranty on all meters. These are just a few reasons professionals buy Lignomat.
The Ligno-Scanner SD dual depth moisture meter is calibrated for wood. The meter has 2 independent sets of calibrations, one for 1/4″ deep and one for 3/4″ deep. Most pinless moisture meters have a 3/4″ measuring depth.
Unique dual depth Ligno-Scanner SD works well for:
– Boards over 3/4″ and less than 3/4″ thick.
– Ideal for measuring layered engineered panels.
– Compare surface and core moisture to ensure even drying.
– Checking surface moisture for water damage or after applying
– waterborne finishes.
Pinless meters are essential in order to check finished products such as floors, cabinet doors, table tops and ready-to-sell furniture. Pin meters can leave unwanted pin holes.
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